"And thy Lord has inspired the bee saying, 'Make your hives in the hills and in the trees and in the trellises which the people build. Then eat of every kind of fruit, and follow the ways of thy Lord that have been made easy for thee.' There comes forth from their bellies a drink of varying hues. Therein is cure for men. Surely, in that is a Sign for a people who reflect." (Holy Qur'an 16:69-70)
The verses of the Holy Qur'an quoted above introduces the subject of divine revelation. The bee has been selected as a prominent example, because its wonderful organization and work impresses even a casual observer and is discernible to the naked eye. The verses says that God inspires the bee to collect its food from different fruits and flowers and then by means of the mechanism provided in its body it converts the collected food into honey. Honey provides a cure for the physical diseases of man and the most essential quality of the Qur'anic revelation also is that it is a cure for the spirirual maladies of man.
In an article posted on June 05th, 2009 in http://www.survival-spot.com/survival-blog/benefits-of-honey/Food Storage, Health the health and curative benefits of honey are confirmed.
Throughout history honey has been considered a food with unparalleled nutritional and physical benefits. Really, honey is a miracle food. For over 10,000 years (and maybe more) honey has been used as a staple food and as a medicine. Honey is one of the few foods that can actually sustain human life by itself. If you’re not storing honey, this ought to convince you to start.
Honey lasts forever; if stored properly you will never need to worry about your honey going bad, forget about FIFO with honey. There was actually edible honey discovered in the pharaoh’s tomb in Egypt. It is also a healthy substitute for sugar that contains no fats or cholesterol.
Honey Food Storage
My honey is hard and crystallized! Not to worry, if your honey has become crystallized all you need to do is heat it to return it back to normal. Or if you like, turn it into mead!
Honey is great for overall skin health and can even help to reduce wrinkles and nourish the skin.
Honey has been used as an antibacterial for years, it was even one of the most popular treatments for wounds in the First World War. Recent science has explained to us why honey is such an effective antibacterial agent.
"One New Zealand researcher says a particular type of honey may be useful in treating MRSA infections. Antibacterial properties of honey are the result of the low water activity causing osmosis, hydrogen peroxide effect, and high acidity."
Honey has also been shown to reduce odor, swelling and scarring when used to treat wounds, aside from its antibacterial effects.
Stomach Ache
Got a stomach ache? No problem, mix one teaspoon of honey with a hot glass of water, squeeze in about half a lemon and your stomach ache should go away.
Pink Eye
While it has only been proven in rats, honey was considered an effective treatment for conjunctivitis.
Folk medicine suggests that taking local honey will help your allergies because you gain a tolerance to local pollens. Recent studies suggest that while it doesn’t help by eliminating allergies it helps reduce allergies.
"a recent study has shown pollen collected by bees to exert an anti allergenic effect, mediated by an inhibition of IgE immunoglobulin binding to mast cells. This inhibited mast cell degranulation and thus reduced allergic reaction."
Honey coats the throat, making it great for a sore throat. To cure your sore throat simply take about 1 teaspoon of honey and let it slowly trickle down your throat.
Honey is also great for burns since it removes the pain and helps aid in the healing process.
Honey is shown to reduce the damage done to the colon in Colitis.
Some studies suggest that honey can also help with various nervous disorders such as insomnia. If you can’t sleep, mix 1 teaspoon of honey into a warm glass of water and enjoy a good night’s sleep.
**Because of the spores contained in honey, infants under the age of 1 year cannot consume it. While it’s fine for older children and adults, infants under 1 year can contract botulism from honey
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